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Mamata Fertility Hospital

Home What determines sperm health

What determines sperm health?

Sperm health depends on several factors like quantity, movement and texture:

  • Quantity: Fertility is most likely when the sperm released in a single ejaculation contains at least 15 million sperm per milliliter. Too few sperm in the ejaculate can make
    conception difficult because there are fewer sperms to fertilize the egg.
  • Movement: In order to reach and fertilize an egg, sperm must move – twist and swim through a woman’s uterus, reach tubes. This is known as motility. Pregnancy is possible
    if more than 40% of the sperm in the ejaculation are motile, but 40% is considered the threshold. The more the merrier.
  • Structure (morphology): Typical sperms have oval heads and long tails that work together to propel them forward. It is not as important a factor as sperm count or motility.