Opening Hours: Mon - Sat : 8.00 AM-6.00 PM
Call Us: 040 45678899, 8790337035
Friday Free Clinic: 2.00 PM-5.00 PM

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

Irregular periods or no periods at all.
Weight gain.
Excessive hair growth (Hirsutism) especially over face, chest, back and buttocks.
Oily skin with excessive pimples (acne).
Thinning and loss of hair on the head.
Difficulty getting pregnant.

What do irregular periods mean and what should I do about it?

In PCOS, the normal menstrual cycle of 28-35 days is prolonged to 2-3 months. This is due to lack of egg development and ovulation. Cycles can be regularised with hormonal pills. Ovulation can be achieved with certain medications and monitored on scans.

If I have heavy periods-why it happens?

In PCOS, despite irregular periods, bleeding could be excessive and heavy with clots after a long gap of 2-3 months. This is also due to hormone imbalance and can be we managed with the help of certain medications.

If I have prolonged periods-why it happens?

In PCOS, despite irregular periods, bleeding could be prolonged for 10-15 days after a long gap of 2-3 months. The hormonal imbalance leads to this and it can be controlled with the help of certain hormonal medications.

If I have painful periods-what does it mean?

Painful periods is a normal features in almost every woman during menstruation.However, if anyone with PCOS experiences excessive pain, analgesics can be prescribed after complete evaluation and excluding any other cause of the pain.