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Research Publications

  1. Aarti Deenadayal Tolani, Mamata Deenadayal, Suhasini Donthi , Anupama Deenadayal Mettler Total Fertilization failure: What next? IFS chapter 2020
  2. Sapna Srinivas, Suhasini Donthi, Anupama Deenadayal Mettler ICSI Setup: Narishige IFS chapter 2020.
  3. Mamta Deendayal, Anupama Deenadayal, Hema Desai and Aarti Deenadayal Tolani Pre-operative Ultrasound imaging in fibroid uterus Fibroid Uterus  Surgical Challenges in Minimal Access Surgery, ISBN 9780367247324 Published December 6, 2020 by CRC Press.
  4. Aarti Deenadayal Tolani, Kadambari, Hema Desai, Suhasini Donthi and Mamata Deenadayal Fibroid and infertility- when to suggest myomectomy? Fibroid Uterus  Surgical Challenges in Minimal Access Surgery, ISBN 9780367247324 Published December 6, 2020 by CRC Press.
  5.  Antonio La Marca , Aarti Deenadayal Tolani & Martina Capuzzo (2020): The interchangeability of two assays for the measurement of anti-Müllerian hormone when personalizing the dose of FSH in in-vitro fertilization cycles, Gynecological Endocrinology, DOI: 10.1080/09513590.2020.1810659
  6. Lukasz Polanski, Mamata Deenadayal, Aarti Deenadayal Tolani, Kanna Jayaprakasan, Lukasz Polanski, Kamal Ojha, Role of Ultrasound in Assisted Reproductive Treatment, Gynaecological Ultrasound Scanning, 10.1017/9781108149877, (145-167), (2020).
  7. Anupama Deenadayal Mettler, Mirudhubashini Govindarajan, Sapna Srinivas, Sridurga Mithraprabhu, Donald Evenson & Tara Mahendran (2019): Male age is associated with sperm DNA/chromatin integrity, The Aging Male, DOI: 10.1080/13685538.2019.1600496
  8. Dr.Aarti Deenadayal Tolani, Dr.Hema Desai, Dr.Mamata Deenadayal ULTRASOUND IN GYNECOLOGY, “FOGSI FOCUS: Imaging in OBGYN” Jaypee publishers 2019.
  9. Sapna Srinivas, Aarti Deenadayal tolani, Mamata Deenadayal Basics of sperm DFI, in ISAR express, newsletter. – 2018.
  10. Aarti Deenadayal tolani, Suhasini Donthi, Hema Desai, Mamata Deenadayal “Luteal Phase support in IVF”, for text book Decision making in Infertility ,Jaypee Publishers 2018.
  11. Mamata Deenadayal, Aarti Deenadayal Tolani. Anupama Deenadayal Mettler Ultrasound mapping of Fibroids, for a text book on ultrasound in gyneacology and obstetrics “ by .SAGE publications 2018.
  12. Aarti Deenadayal Tolani, Anupama Deenadayal, Suhasini Donthi, Kadambari, Mamata Deenadayal Timely Identification of Pregnancy in Non-communicating Horn of Unicornuate Uterus by Three-Dimensional Transvaginal Ultrasonography. J Clin Imaging Sci 2018; 8:39.
  13. Siddamalla S, Reddy TV, Govatati S, Guruvaiah P, Deenadayal M, Shivaji S, Bhanoori M.Influence of tumour suppressor gene (TP53, BRCA1 and BRCA2) polymorphisms on polycystic ovary syndrome in South Indian women. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2018 Aug;227:13-18. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2018.05.027. Epub 2018 May 24.
  14. Aarti Deenadayal Tolani, Suhasini Donthi, Kadambari, Mamata Deenadayal Three dimensional ultrasound- its use in defining and prognosticating fibroid associated with pregnancy: one picture is worth more than a thousand words. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2018:7(5): 2046-2048.
  15. Mamata Deenadayal, Kadambari, Suhasini Donthi, Aarti Deenadayal Tolani Diagnosing hydrosalpinx by three-dimensional ultrasonography in inversion mode J Case Rep Images Obstet Gynecol 2017;3:47–50.
  16. Aarti Deenadayal Tolani, Deenadayal Mamta, Kadambari, Nori Vijay Bhasker Complete urogenital and colonic duplication: An extremely rare developmental anomaly in an adult female. Int J Case Rep Images 2017;8(5):344–347.
  17. Mamta D, Kadambari , Donthi S, Tolani AD. Early Diagnosis Of Heterotopic Pregnancy Resulted From Assisted Reproductive Techniques By Three Dimensional ltrasonography. JPGO 2017. Volume 4 No.12. Available from:
  18. Reddy TV, Govatati S, Deenadayal M, Sisinthy S, Bhanoori M Impact of mitochondrial DNA copy number and displacement loop alterations on polycystic ovary syndrome risk in south Indian women Mitochondrion. 2017 Dec 24. pii: S1567-7249(17)30088-0. doi: 10.1016/j.mito.2017.12.010.
  19. Sudhakar DVS, Nizamuddin S, Manisha G, Devi JR, Gupta NJ, Chakravarthy BN, Deenadayal M, Singh L, Thangaraj K NR5A1 mutations are not associated with male infertility in Indian men Andrologia. 2018 Apr;50(3). doi: 10.1111/and.12931. Epub 2017 Dec 18.
  20. Reddy TV, Govatati S, Deenadayal M, Shivaji S, Bhanoori MPolymorphisms in the TFAM and PGC1-α genes and their association with polycystic ovary syndrome among South Indian women Gene. 2018 Jan 30;641:129-136. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2017.10.010. Epub 2017 Oct 10.
  21. Siddamalla S, Reddy TV, Govatati S, Erram N, Deenadayal M, Shivaji S, Bhanoori M Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and risk of polycystic ovary syndrome in South Indian women Gynecol Endocrinol. 2018 Feb;34(2):161-165. doi: 10.1080/09513590.2017.1371128. Epub 2017 Sep 3..
  22. Guruvaiah P, Govatati S, Reddy TV, Beeram H, Deenadayal M, Shivaji S, Bhanoori M. Analysis of Connexin37 gene C1019T polymorphism and PCOS susceptibility in South Indian population: case-control study Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2016 Jan;196:17-20. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2015.11.002. Epub 2015 Nov 22..
  23. Govatati S, Challa K, Reddy SB, Pramod K, Deenadayal M, Chakravarty B, Shivaji S, Bhanoori M BRCA1 alterations are associated with endometriosis, but BRCA2 alterations show no detectable endometriosis risk: a study in Indian population J Assist Reprod Genet. 2015 Feb;32(2):277-85. doi: 10.1007/s10815-014-0379-9. Epub 2014 Nov 8.
  24. Guruvaiah P, Govatati S, Reddy TV, Lomada D, Deenadayal M, Shivaji S, Bhanoori M The VEGF +405 G>C 5′ untranslated region polymorphism and risk of PCOS: a study in the South Indian Women J Assist Reprod Genet. 2014 Oct;31(10):1383-9. doi: 10.1007/s10815-014-0310-4. Epub 2014 Aug 9.
  25. Raju GA, Chavan R, Deenadayal M, Gunasheela D, Gutgutia R, Haripriya G, Govindarajan M, Patel NH, Patki AS Luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone synergy: A review of role in controlled ovarian hyper-stimulation J Hum Reprod Sci. 2013 Oct;6(4):227-34. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.126285.
  26. Govatati S, Kodati VL, Deenadayal M, Chakravarty B, Shivaji S, Bhanoori M Mutations in the PTEN tumor gene and risk of endometriosis: a case-control study Hum Reprod. 2014 Feb;29(2):324-36. doi: 10.1093/humrep/det387. Epub 2013 Oct 23.
  27. Tumu VR, Govatati S, Guruvaiah P, Deenadayal M, Shivaji S, Bhanoori M An interleukin-6 gene promoter polymorphism is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome in South Indian women J Assist Reprod Genet. 2013 Dec;30(12):1541-6. doi: 10.1007/s10815-013-0111-1. Epub 2013 Oct 10.
  28. Govatati S, Deenadayal M, Shivaji S, Bhanoori M Mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase alterations are associated with endometriosis Mitochondrion. 2013 Nov;13(6):782-90. doi: 10.1016/j.mito.2013.05.003. Epub 2013 May 16.
  29. Govatati S, Deenadayal M, Shivaji S, Bhanoori M Mitochondrial displacement loop alterations are associated with endometriosis Fertil Steril. 2013 Jun;99(7):1980-6.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2013.02.021. Epub 2013 Mar 13.
  30. Rao Kandukuri L, Padmalatha V, Kanakavalli M, Turlapati R, Swapna M, Vidyadhari M, Saranaya G, Himaja K, Deenadayal M, Kumar Sethi B, Deb P, Gupta N, Chakraborthy B, Nallari P, Singh L Unique case reports associated with ovarian failure: necessity of two intact x chromosomes Case Rep Genet. 2012;2012:640563. doi: 10.1155/2012/640563. Epub 2012 Apr 11.
  31. Khattri A, Reddy VP, Pandey RK, Sudhakar DV, Gupta NJ, Chakravarty BN, Deenadayal M, Singh L, Thangaraj K. Novel mutations in calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV (CAMK4) gene in infertile men Int J Androl. 2012 Dec;35(6):810-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01302.x. Epub 2012 Aug 17.
  32. Govatati S, Tipirisetti NR, Perugu S, Kodati VL, Deenadayal M, Satti V, Bhanoori M, Shivaji S Mitochondrial genome variations in advanced stage endometriosis: a study in South Indian population PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e40668. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040668. Epub 2012 Jul 17.
  33. Aarti Deenadayal tolani“Minimizing Complications in ART”, for the text book – Obstetric and Gynecology Update. 2011
  34. Govatati S, Chakravarty B, Deenadayal M, Kodati VL, Manolla ML, Sisinthy S, Bhanoori M p53 and risk of endometriosis in Indian women Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2012 Aug;16(8):865-73. doi: 10.1089/gtmb.2011.0295. Epub 2012 Jul 11.
  35. Govatati S, Tangudu NK, Deenadayal M, Chakravarty B, Shivaji S, Bhanoori M Association of E-cadherin single nucleotide polymorphisms with the increased risk of endometriosis in Indian women Mol Hum Reprod. 2012 May;18(5):280-7. doi: 10.1093/molehr/gar079. Epub 2011 Dec 19.
  36. Medikare V, Kandukuri LR, Ananthapur V, Deenadayal M, Nallari P The genetic bases of uterine fibroids; a review J Reprod Infertil. 2011 Jul;12(3):181-91.
  37. Vanniarajan A, Govindaraj P, Carlus SJ, Aruna M, Aruna P, Kumar A, Jayakar RI, Lionel AC, Gupta S, Rao L, Gupta NJ, Chakravarthy B, Deenadayal M, Selvaraj K, Andal S, Reddy BM, Singh L, Thangaraj K Mitochondrial DNA variations associated with recurrent pregnancy loss among Indian women Mitochondrion. 2011 May;11(3):450-6. doi: 10.1016/j.mito.2011.01.002. Epub 2011 Feb 1.
  38. Panda B, Rao L, Tosh D, Dixit H, Padmalatha V, Kanakavalli M, Raseswari T, Deenadayal M, Gupta N, Chakrabarty B, Nallari P, Singh L Germline study of AR gene of Indian women with ovarian failure Gynecol Endocrinol. 2011 Aug;27(8):572-8. doi: 10.3109/09513590.2010.507282. Epub 2010 Jul 30.
  39. Rai P, Deenadayal M, Shivaji S Absence of activating somatic mutations of PI3KCA and AKT1 genes in South Indian women with endometriosis Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010 Sep;152(1):78-82. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2010.04.022. Epub 2010 May 20
  40. Dixit H, Rao L, Padmalatha V, Raseswari T, Kapu AK, Panda B, Murthy K, Tosh D, Nallari P, Deenadayal M, Gupta N, Chakrabarthy B, Singh L Genes governing premature ovarian failure Reprod Biomed Online. 2010 Jun;20(6):724-40. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2010.02.018. Epub 2010 Mar 1.
  41. Siva AB, Kameshwari DB, Singh V, Pavani K, Sundaram CS, Rangaraj N, Deenadayal M, Shivaji S Proteomics-based study on asthenozoospermia: differential expression of proteasome alpha complex Mol Hum Reprod. 2010 Jul;16(7):452-62. doi: 10.1093/molehr/gaq009. Epub 2010 Mar 18.
  42. Khattri A, Pandey RK, Gupta NJ, Chakravarty B, Deenadayal M, Singh L, Thangaraj K APOB gene signal peptide deletion polymorphism is not associated with infertility in Indian men J Androl. 2009 Nov-Dec;30(6):734-8. doi: 10.2164/jandrol.109.007898. Epub 2009 Jul 3.
  43. Khattri A, Pandey RK, Gupta NJ, Chakravarty B, Deenadayal M, Singh L, Thangaraj K Estrogen receptor beta gene mutations in Indian infertile men Mol Hum Reprod. 2009 Aug;15(8):513-20. doi: 10.1093/molehr/gap044. Epub 2009 Jun 9.
  44. Rao L, Suryanarayana V, Kanakavalli M, Padmalatha V, Raseswari T, Pratibha N, Deenadayal M, Singh L Short communication: Y chromosome microchimerism in female peripheral blood Reprod Biomed Online. 2008 Oct;17(4):575-8.
  45. Suryavathi V, Khattri A, Gopal K, Rani DS, Panneerdoss S, Gupta NJ, Chakravarty B, Deenadayal M, Singh L, Thangaraj K Novel variants in UBE2B gene and idiopathic male infertility J Androl. 2008 Sep-Oct;29(5):564-71. doi: 10.2164/jandrol.107.004580. Epub 2008 May 22.
  46. Suryanarayana V, Rao L, Kanakavalli M, Padmalatha V, Raseswari T, Deenadayal M, Singh L Association between novel HLA-G genotypes and risk of recurrent miscarriages: a case-control study in a South Indian population Reprod Sci. 2008 Oct;15(8):817-24. doi: 10.1177/1933719107314061. Epub 2008 May 14
  47. Bhanoori M, Kameshwari DB, Zondervan KT, Deenadayal M, Kennedy S, Shivaji S The endothelial nitric oxide synthase Glu298Asp polymorphism is not a risk factor for endometriosis in south Indian women Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2008 Jul;139(1):53-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2008.01.006. Epub 2008 Mar 7
  48. Suryanaryana VV, Rao L, Kanakavalli MK, Padmalatha VV, Deenadayal M, Singh L Role of CYP17 and CYP19 polymorphisms in idiopathic recurrent miscarriages among South Indian women Reprod Biomed Online. 2007 Mar;14(3):341-7.
  49. Bhanoori M, Deenadayal M, Kennedy S, Shivaji S The G2964A 3′-untranslated region polymorphism of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 gene is associated with endometriosis in South Indian women Hum Reprod. 2007 Apr;22(4):1026-30. Epub 2007 Jan 9
  50. Dixit H, Rao KL, Padmalatha V, Kanakavalli M, Deenadayal M, Gupta N, Chakravarty BN, Singh L Expansion of the germline analysis for the INHA gene in Indian women with ovarian failure Hum Reprod. 2006 Jun;21(6):1643-4
  51. Dixit H, Rao KL, Padmalatha VV, Kanakavalli M, Deenadayal M, Gupta N, Chakrabarty BN, Singh L Mutational analysis of the betaglycan gene-coding region in susceptibility for ovarian failure Hum Reprod. 2006 Aug;21(8):2041-6. Epub 2006 Apr 13
  52. Dixit H, Rao LK, Padmalatha VV, Kanakavalli M, Deenadayal M, Gupta N, Chakrabarty B, Singh L Missense mutations in the BMP15 gene are associated with ovarian failure Hum Genet. 2006 May;119(4):408-15. Epub 2006 Mar 1
  53. Suryanarayana V, Rao L, Kanakavalli M, Padmalatha V, Deenadayal M, Singh L Recurrent early pregnancy loss and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2006 May;274(2):119-24. Epub 2005 Dec 16
  54. Dixit H, Rao LK, Padmalatha V, Kanakavalli M, Deenadayal M, Gupta N, Chakravarty B, Singh L Mutational screening of the coding region of growth differentiation factor 9 gene in Indian women with ovarian failure Menopause. 2005 Nov-Dec;12(6):749-54. Epub 2005 Nov 8
  55. Rao L, Murthy K, Babu A, Venkata P, Deenadayal M, Singh L Chromosome inversions and a novel chromosome insertion associated with recurrent miscarriages in South India Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2005 Oct;272(4):273-7. Epub 2005 Oct 13.
  56. Bhanoori M, Babu KA, Deenadayal M, Kennedy S, Shivaji S The interleukin-6 -174G/C promoter polymorphism is not associated with endometriosis in South Indian women J Soc Gynecol Investig. 2005 Jul;12(5):365-9.
  57. Rao KL, Babu KA, Kanakavalli MK, Padmalatha VV, Deenadayal M, Singh L Prevalence of chromosome defects in azoospermic and oligoastheno-teratozoospermic South Indian infertile men attending an infertility clinic Reprod Biomed Online. 2005 Apr;10(4):467-72.
  58. Bhanoori M, Arvind Babu K, Pavankumar Reddy NG, Lakshmi Rao K, Zondervan K, Deenadayal M, Kennedy S, Shivaji S The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) +405G>C 5′-untranslated region polymorphism and increased risk of endometriosis in South Indian women: a case control study Hum Reprod. 2005 Jul;20(7):1844-9. Epub 2005 Mar 3.
  59. Rao L, Babu A, Padmalatha V, Kanakavalli M, Deenadayal M, Singh L Novel X-chromosomal defect associated with abnormal ovarian function J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2005 Feb;31(1):12-5.
  60. Babu KA, Rao KL, Reddy NG, Kanakavalli MK, Zondervan KT, Deenadayal M, Singh A, Shivaji S, Kennedy S N-acetyl transferase 2 polymorphism and advanced stages of endometriosis in South Indian women Reprod Biomed Online. 2004 Nov;9(5):533-40
  61. Suryanarayana V, Deenadayal M, Singh L Association of CYP1A1 gene polymorphism with recurrent pregnancy loss in the South Indian population Hum Reprod. 2004 Nov;19(11):2648-52. Epub 2004 Aug 27
  62. Babu KA, Rao KL, Kanakavalli MK, Suryanarayana VV, Deenadayal M, Singh L CYP1A1, GSTM1 and GSTT1 genetic polymorphism is associated with susceptibility to polycystic ovaries in South Indian women Reprod Biomed Online. 2004 Aug;9(2):194-200
  63. Rao L, Babu A, Kanakavalli M, Padmalatha V, Singh A, Singh PK, Deenadayal M, Singh L Chromosomal abnormalities and y chromosome microdeletions in infertile men with varicocele and idiopathic infertility of South Indian origin J Androl. 2004 Jan-Feb;25(1):147-53.