Opening Hours: Mon - Sat : 8.00 AM-6.00 PM
Call Us: 040 45678899, 8790337035
Friday Free Clinic: 2.00 PM-5.00 PM

How often should we have intercourse / coital practise that improve our chance of conceiving?

Surprisingly, long periods of abstinence (not having intercourse) can decrease the quality of sperm. Infrequent intercourse may decrease the chance that intercourse will happen around the time of ovulation. The highest pregnancy rates are seen when a couple has intercourse every 1 to 2 days during the fertile window.

How common is infertility?

Infertility is a common problem disorder. An estimated 25% of all women will experience an episode of infertility in her lifetime.

Youngest population approximately 10%-15% are affected with infertility. 

Women older than 35 years, more than one third report diminished fertility.

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