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Is IVF a painful procedure?

IVF stimulation injection 

IVF injections are a critical piece in the IVF process. These injections help stimulate your ovaries to produce mature eggs that are then harvested and fertilized with sperm. In the majority of circumstances, IVF injections don’t involve much pain. At the same time, it’s important to note that pain is subjective. It can vary from individual to individual. This means that someone who is more sensitive may experience a higher level of discomfort than someone who is less sensitive.

 Egg retrieval

Throughout this procedure, anaesthesia is used so you won’t feel any discomfort. However, some women report cramping in the few days that follow this phase of IVF. This cramping is very similar to what many women experience during menstruation. You may also feel a bit sore and experience some spotting.  Within 5-7 days, all of these symptoms should resolve.

Embryo transfer 

 Typically, no pain . Most women only experience mild to moderate cramping in the days following the procedure.

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