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 When do I visit a fertility speciality?

Couples who have been trying to get pregnant for months without success may be wondering when to seek help from a fertility specialist. If there is no pregnancy in young couples after sexual intercourse regularly every 2-3 days, without using any contraceptive methods for one whole year, advise and evaluation is from a specialist is required. This enables to exclude any problems with the egg, sperm, tubes, Uterus, hormones etc. However, this time frame of 1 year does not apply for the following couples:

  • Women above 35 years of age not having conceived after 6month of unprotected sexual intercourse.
  • Women of reproductive age, diagnosed with irregular cycles, poly cystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, pelvic infection, fibroid uterus and abdominal surgery.
  • Men with sexual problems like erection and ejaculation difficulties.
  • Men with known testicular problems.
  • Couple with medical conditions like thyroid disorder, diabetes, hypertension, under psychiatric treatment, etc.
  • Any history of cancer in the couples planning pregnancy.