How long does it normally take to get pregnant naturally?

How long does it normally take to get pregnant naturally?

Approximately 80%-85% of couple who are trying to become pregnant will successfully conceive with in a year. 95% will conceive with in 2years.

  • When couple have unprotected intercourse every 2-3days or intercourse at time of ovulation
  • Women with regular menstrual cycle.
  • Women over the age of 35 and men over the age of 50 have lower fertility rates.

in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), about 30% of couples trying to conceive will get pregnant within the first month, and around 90% will do so within the first year.

American society reproductive medicine (ASRM).  Says There is no simple answer. If you have regular menstrual cycles, your age and number of months that you have been trying to get pregnant are 2 factors that affect your chance of success. You and your partner have the highest chance of conceiving in the first 3 months of trying. For young fertile couples, the chance of conception is between 20% and 37% during the first 3 months. The chance of success increases to 80% by one year and 90% after two years of trying. Women over the age of 35 and men over the age of 50 have lower fertility rates.

what does infertility mean?

Infertility was defined as   failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.

What can I do to improve my chance of conceiving naturally?

  • being a healthy weight

A BMI between 19 and 24 is considered normal; less than 19 is considered underweight. A BMI between 25 and 29 is considered overweight and greater than 30 places you in the category of obese. (ARSM)

Many underweight, overweight, and obese women have no problem getting pregnant. But others will have problems conceiving, most often due to ovulation problems (failure to release eggs from the ovaries).

A BMI of 18.5 or less (underweight) often causes irregular menstrual cycles and may cause ovulation to stop altogether. A BMI of 17.5 or less could indicate an eating disorder. Women at less than normal BMI should work with their doctor to understand the cause of this situation, and develop strategies to correct it.

A BMI in the obese range may also lead to irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation. However, even obese women with normal ovulation cycles have lower pregnancy rates than normal weight women, so ovulation isn’t the only issue. A visit to a healthcare professional before becoming pregnant can help identify other disorders related to obesity that impact pregnancy such as thyroid disease, insulin resistance, and diabetes.

  • being active

Australian and international guidelines recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking, gardening or dancing, on most and preferably all days of the week. If possible, some vigorous activity, such as running, fast cycling or fast swimming, should also be performed every week. For men and women who are overweight and obese exercise can help maintain weight or achieve a modest weight loss which improves general health and fertility. As part of weight management, guidelines recommend that overweight or obese adults perform 225 to 300 minutes moderate-intensity exercise every week (about 35 to 45 minutes per day).

Main points to remember

  • Any physical activity is better than no physical activity
  • If you don’t currently exercise, start with achievable goals and build up to the recommended levels over time
  •  Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day
  • Use every day opportunities to increase physical activity
  • Minimize the amount of time you spend sitting and if you have to sit for long periods, take a break and move around as often you can.
  • eating a healthy, balanced diet
  •  avoiding alcohol

Alcohol affects conception and implantation and increases the risk of early pregnancy loss. There are several reasons for this:

  • For women, heavy drinking can cause changes in ovulation, cycle regulation and ovarian reserve. It can also prevent proper implantation in the uterus, resulting in an increased rate of early loss of the pregnancy or resorption — even before a woman realises she is pregnant.
  • For men, heavy drinking has shown to decrease the hormones needed for sperm production.

Research varies when it comes to how much is too much when trying to conceive. But when it comes to drinking while going through IVF treatment, the thinking is unanimous — all agree that it is best not to drink alcohol at all for the best chance of conceiving.

  • avoiding recreational/illicit drugs.
  • Keep track of menstrual cycle. Maintain ovulation calendar.

A tool to calculate your most fertile days, an ovulation calendar or schedule tracks your menstrual cycle. This can help take some of the guesswork out of trying to get pregnant

When do I visit a fertility speciality?

Couple who has been trying to conceive for months without success may be wondering when to seek help from a fertility specialist.

  • Women above 35 years of age have not conceived after 6month of unprotected intercourse.
  • Women with reproductive age prior diagnosed with irregular cycle, poly cystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, pelvic infection, fibroid uterus and abdominal surgery.
  • Males have sexual problem like erection.
  • Males with Known problems with the testicles or genitals
  • Couple with medical conditions like thyroid disorder, diabetes, hypertension a psychiatric treatment.
  • Couple with history of cancer. Planning for future pregnancy.

How often should have intercourse / coital practice that improve our chance of conceiving?

Surprisingly, long periods of abstinence (not having intercourse) can decrease the quality of sperm. Infrequent intercourse may decrease the chance that intercourse will happen around the time of ovulation. The highest pregnancy rates are seen when a couple has intercourse every 1 to 2 days during the fertile window.

How common is infertility?

Infertility is a common problem disorder. An estimated 25% of all women will experience an episode of infertility in her lifetime. Youngest population approximately 10%-15% are affected with infertility. Women older than 35 years, more than one third report diminished fertility.

what tablets to use while planning pregnancy?

If you are trying to get pregnant, you should take folic acid tablets (400 micrograms) every day. Taking folic acid when you are trying for a baby and for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy reduces the risk of having a baby with neural tube defects (where parts of the brain or spinal cord do not form properly), such as spina bifida.

what are common cause for infertile ?